Insert ChatGPT code? No level is called – Instant Gratification
This level gave an apk and form to submit the code.
Download and decompile the apk file. I use JADX-GUI.
There is a leaked Slack API token.
It is ROT13 as the code suggests.
Back to CyberChef to get the ROT13 value of token.xoxb-5729419145606-5750052480419-NCuEloorjXP8vW3AWyprQWRb
Used this token to get all channels.
curl "" -H 'Authorization:
Bearer xoxb-5729419145606-5750052480419-NCuEloorjXP8vW3AWyprQWRb' -o channels.json
Too many channels. Now get all the messages in all channels.
cat channels.json | jq '.channels[].id' | xargs -I {} -P 10 curl "{}&pretty=1" -H 'Authorization: Bearer xoxb-5729419145606-5750052480419-NCuEloorjXP8vW3AWyprQWRb' -o channel-chat-{}.json
A lot of messages by bots U05N6PBAFEJ
. Let’s filter that out
cat channel-chat-* | jq '.messages[]|select(.user != "U05N6PBAFEJ")' > all.json
have all the messages by members of that Slack workspace and the have shared some files.
But the hint is in flag_txt.txt
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer xoxb-5729419145606-5750052480419-NCuEloorjXP8vW3AWyprQWRb'
Who shared this file? User U05ND262075
Using Slack API, found out the username udhaya.prakash. Found his GitHub and Gist and got access to the gist mentioned in flag_txt.txt
Ran the javascript code in Gist and found the flag XNYTH&6GjgSj7Z
Submitted it in the form and got the flag.
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